Game of thrones : The Stark Dire wolves.


The Stark Dire wolves.

If you have watched the GOT series, you are not familiar with the word dire wolf..The stark children in the series and their dire wolf pets are close to us..Dire wolf is an extinct species belonging to the genus Canis. They are a prehistoric carnivore that lived in North America.. These dire wolves lived in America during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene eras, 125,000-9,500 years ago.

So now let's get to know Dire Wolf from the Got series. So Ned Stark, Robb, Bran, Jon and Theon first met these dire wolf cubs. At that time, the mother of these Dire Wolf cubs was about to die after giving birth to them. So Theon's idea was that even these Dire Wolf cubs would be better off dead. Because these babies cannot survive without their mother. But due to Jon's opposition, Ned Stark wanted to give these babies to the Stark children. Because the stark clan is defamed because of a dire wolf.

So since then, these fierce cubs grew up with the Stark children..and the direwolves managed to save them from accidents in many cases..

1. Gray Wind

Gray Wind is a Dire Wolf that belonged to Robb Stark. He was a Dire Wolf with gray fur and two yellow eyes. Grey Wind helped Robb in the battles and wars..But unfortunately Robb was killed by Walder Frey at the Red Wedding. The soldiers also killed Gray Wind.

2. Lady

Sansa Stark's Dire Wolf is the Lady. And the Lady was the first among these Dire Wolves to die. In an unfortunate incident, the Dire Wolf belonging to Arya Stark had to suffer the punishment for nothing.

3. Nymeria

This is Arya Stark's Dire Wolf. She had golden eyes and gray fur. She got the name Nymeria from the name of a warrior who conquered the sea. Because Arya wanted to be like that. And she was a Dire Wolf who was lucky enough to live to the end. but she had to break up with Arya in the first series..

4. Summer

This is the Dire Wolf of Bran Stark. He had a silver-colored fur skin and yellow eyes. Summer saved Bran's life not once but several times. but the last time he did so, Samar could not be saved. Summer was the fourth Dire Wolf to die.

5. Shaggy Dog

This is the Dire Wolf that belonged to Rickon, the youngest of the Stark family. He had black fur and two green eyes. The third one had to die, Shaggy Dog.

6. Ghost

This direwolf with snow-white fur and red eyes belonged to Jon Snow. He was called Ghost because of his color because he doesn't make any noise. This is Ally Dire Wolf. So these Alley Dire Wolves die more. because they are weaker than the others. so everyone thought that this cub would die soon because there was no mother. but Ghost was able to save John's life many times. and until the end. Ghost was able to live.

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