Game of thrones : Uncrowned King Eddard Stark.


The king of winterfell

Do you need a crown when you become a king? Even though it is so according to the rules of the state, we meet a king without a crown in the series of games of thrones. It is Lord Eddard Stark aka Ned stark. So this post of mine is about Ned Stark, a favorite character of mine and many others.

Ned Stark... He was the head of the Stark clan as well as the ruler of the North. He was also the father of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon and the husband of Lady Catelyn Tully. Also, Ned Stark is the uncle of Jon Snow who brought him as his illegitimate child.

The House of Stark, where Ned held the throne, was one of the most powerful houses in the kingdom. According to history, the Starks have ruled the North since about 8000 years ago. Bran the bilder was the first Stark king who fought the White Walkers and built the Stark fortress and the North Wall.

Lord Rickard Stark, who ruled the North under King Aerys Targaryen, is Ned Starr's father. He has an older brother named Brendan, a younger sister named Liana and a younger brother named Benjen. The eldest son Brendan Stark was named as the successor of Rickard Stark.

Ned Starr's most trusted, closest friend and ally was Robert Baratheon. Jon Arryn, head of House Of Arryn, looked after both Robert and Ned like a father. Their story, which flowed calmly, changes after Rhaegar Targaryen kidnaps Ned Stark's sister.

Because Robert Baratheon's first and only love is Lyanna Stark. Robert cannot bear her loss. Because of this he declares war against the Targaryens. There, Jon Arryn and Ned Stark will strengthen him from his side. Robert wins the war. Crowned as the king of the Seven Kingdoms. But he loses Liana, who was the only purpose and only happiness in his life.

But she dies, leaving her brother Ned Stark with a secret to protect, a heavy weight and a calf that runs Targaryen blood. That's Jon Snow. He brings Jon Snow to the North, betraying himself to his soulmate, bearing all the taunts and calling him his illegitimate child. But at no point does he reveal that Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen's child is in his possession, very safe in the Stark castle. Because Robert was extremely angry with the Targaryens for losing his beloved, and he knew that the moment Robert found out, he would kill the child.

Ned Stark becomes the new heir in the North as his father and older brother Brendan are killed by the Mad King. He ruled the North under King Robert Baratheon for many years. But in HAND OF THE KING, after the death of Jon Arryn, the king invites Ned to take over the position. Even though Jon Arryn's death was revealed to be a murder, he accepts the position and leaves with his daughters Sansa and Arya. That departing Ned Stark will never return to Wintefell. And after that, all the members of the Stark family will never be together again.

Ned Stark once declared

"Wolves alone die in severe winter, but if the pack of wolves stays together, they will not perish."

He said it to tell the Stark children to always stay together and not separate. But they all fall apart. They work hard to protect themselves and protect the honor of the Starks.

Ned Stark is the first member of the Stark family to die. We will see him only in the first season. But even though season 8 is over and many people have died, Ned Stark is still the favorite character of most people. Because he is a hero in every sense of the word. He was a loving husband, a father, a responsible brother, a faithful friend and a brave soldier. He tried his best to do the right thing for everyone, good or bad. Even when the affair between Queen Cersei and her brother Jeremy Lannister was exposed, he warned the queen, even at the risk of his own life. She was told to leave the palace with her children.

But fate was not as kind to him as he thought. His head was beheaded by King Joffrey, who was making a mess of kingship while watching over his two children. Even the queen was not only surprised by the king's decision but also asked him not to do so. Because Ned Stark is not a person who should die as a traitor like that. He is a great person.

And in his last moments, he was sad about his family. About the future of daughters. What must he have thought when he saw Arya Stark standing on top of a stone statue in a rag robe when she was brought before the public with her hands shackled. But he knew that Arya would not be like that and she would come to save him. Because he knew that Arya was as brave as he was. At that last moment, Yoren is told to protect the lady.

So in the end, a brave hero hides a thousand things in his heart and dies as a traitor. Even though he died like that, Ned Stark has become an eternal hero in the hearts of GOT FANS just like the King of the Seven Kingdoms.



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