"A Song of Ice and Fire" and Aegon's dream that Alicent misunderstood Viserys.


While watching the first episode of House Of The Dragon, King Viserys says a few words before naming Rhaenyra as his heir. From the outside, the ordinary looks like something poetic, but inside this thing hides a secret. Not just a secret. A secret that was a key to escape the destruction of humanity coming in the near future.

"Looking at our history, it is said that King Aegon the Conqueror looked from the Blackwaters to Dragonstone and saw a fertile land for invasion. But it wasn't just that hope that drove him to invade. It was also a dream. Just as Danes foresaw the destruction of ancient Valyria, Aegon saw the destruction of humanity. The end was already seen.

It begins with a harsh winter that slowly moves south from the far north. Saw a great darkness coming from those winter winds. This thing that comes like this can destroy the world.

As this long winter comes, Rhaenyra and all of Westeros must stand together against it. And if the human world is to survive, a Targaryen king must be on the throne. That king or queen must be powerful enough to unite the kingdom against the coming cold and darkness.

Aegon called his dream 'A Song of Ice and Fire'." - King Viserys I

Targaryens are a group with the unique ability to see the future in their dreams. Although there is no specific reason for this, many stories have been written about this in Targaryen history. One such famous instance is when Danys Targaryen foresaw the destruction of Valeria in a dream. This dream was so important that it was because of this dream that Danis saw the lives of the Targaryens from destruction.

So the first king Aegon who united the seven kingdoms of Westeros also sees such a dream. Through that dream, he sees an evil lurking in an endless winter. This evil can end the human race and cover the whole world with eternal darkness. Egon sees the end of the world. The force that brought that destruction was the White Walkers, the army of death led by the Night King. (According to the books they are called "The Others".)

You may remember that we came to Westeros once and brought about "The Last Hero" who drove away the White Walkers who came to invade the world. (If you haven't read it, please go through this link.)

Eight thousand years before Aegon's invasion, the White Walkers attempted to invade the world for the first time in the era of this last hero. But the First Men join forces with the Children and drive them out in a great war. If they come again, they use magic to build "The Wall" to protect the South from them. Yes, by the time the events of House Of The Dragon took place, the northern wall had already been created. We haven't seen the wall yet because the story focuses mainly on Targaryen.

Aegon sees in his dream that the White Walkers are slowly coming to the south again. Egon makes this dream, which is a harbinger of death, his responsibility. As Aegon sees it, only another Targaryen can unite the power of the kingdom to stop this coming destruction.

Since then, Aegon has been carrying this thing from generation to generation as a secret to take it to the very Targaryen. But this secret is not told to everyone. Only the heir to the Iron Throne will know about that. So Aegon took that secret to his heir, and from that heir to the other heir, and this thing is inherited for generations as a ritual. It goes the same way from Viserys to Rhaenyra.

This dream that Aegon saw is called "A Song Of Ice And Fire". The war he saw was the Night King's "Great War" seen in the "Game Of Thrones" series.

However, the Valerian Steel Dagger can be considered as one of the main sources of this prophecy/secret of Aegon. This is the same dagger that Viserys shows to Reneira the last time he dies. According to Viserys, this dagger was brought by Aenar Targaryen when he escaped to Westeros after the destruction of Valyria. Later it was owned by King Aegon. So King Aegon records the dream he saw as a poem in High Valerian on this dagger.

"From my blood comes The Prince Who Was Promised, and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire."

"The promised prince of my blood shall come, and the song of Ice and fire shall be his."

This poem is very important when it comes to the GOT universe. All we need here is the word "The Prince Who Was Promised". In Sinhala, think that "promised prince" is a single word used to refer to one person.

So who is "The Prince Who Was Promised"?

Remember that Egon takes his prophecy from generation to generation because he wants the person who needs it to receive it when the time comes. That person will be the one who must unite the kingdom against the Great War. It is the Targaryen that Dagger addresses as "The Prince Who Was Promised".

At first glance, this is about a prince, but it is not like that. Aegon recorded this line in High Valerian. So if this is translated correctly, it will be taken as "prince or princess" here. Simply put, this promised person can be a prince as well as a princess. It makes no difference whether the Targaryen is male or female.Once again, Missandei confirms this to Danny.

R'hollor or "The Lord Of Light" is someone who cannot be forgotten when talking about The Great War. R'hollor, who comes from the culture of Essos, is the god of fire. In the Game Of Thrones series, this is the same god that Stannis Baratheon believed in Melisandre's words.

R'hollor can be said to be the divine force against winter that Aegon saw. R'hollor uses people like Melisandre to stop the Great War. But God will never appear and work by himself. They use a warrior for those things. So R'hollor's warrior is called "Azor Ahai".

Aegon's prophecy mentions "The Prince Who Was Promised" ending winter and the Lord of Light aka. R'hollor legends also tell of Azor Ahai saving the world from darkness. So as many people argue, because of the similarities between these two prophecies, "Azor Ahai" and "The Prince Who Was Promised" refer to the same person. So, if we talk about "The Prince Who Was Promised", we can't talk about Azor Ahai as well.

Just as the Targaryens carry the secret of "The Prince Who Was Promised" from generation to generation, so do those who worship the Lord Of Light seek Azor Ahai. Mellisandre is also a red priestess of Lord Of Light who is looking for Azor Ahai.

For Melisandre and anyone who believes in themselves, the Lord Of Light gives them clues to reach their goals. But actually Lord Of Light is doing this to prepare his way to win the Great War.

God speaks and gives clues in riddles. If those puzzles are misunderstood, it can be a big disaster. Melisandre's misunderstanding caused Stannis to conclude that the Baratheon was Azor Ahai. Due to this, several helpless lives are destroyed and Stanny's life becomes a complete hell. When Melisandre realizes that Stannis is very much a bridge to Azor Ahai, he is not Azor Ahai.

One thing that is clearly said in GoT is that the priests who use the power of Lord Of Light can call back the dead, and the people who can be called back are those who will play an important role in future events. So because Melisandre was able to marry Jon Snow again, she starts to believe that Jon is really "The Prince Who Was Promised" or Azor Ahai. Except Jon Snow is a Targaryen raised among the Starks. Strictly speaking, John symbolizes both coldness and fire.

Meanwhile, another person called Azor Ahai is Daenerys Targaryen. While Melisandre assumes Jon Snow is Azor Ahai, the priests of Essos think Daenerys is Azor Ahai. In the Red Temple of Essos, Kinvara reveals this in front of Daenerys. Also, after learning about Daenerys' dragons, Melisandre thinks that Daenerys could be Azor Ahai. This is why she reveals to Dany the importance of Jon to the Great War.

The next thing should be the blood of "The Prince Who Was Promised" himself. "From my blood..." Aegon has meant that the one who can unite the kingdom and end the Winter Age must be a Targaryen. This is why Viserys entrusts this to Reneira as a great burden and responsibility.

Viserys' death and the revelation to Alicent of his mistaken prophecy.

I will now answer a question everyone had in last week's episode. The previous episode tells about Aegon at the moment Viserys dies. Misunderstanding that, Alisant leads to a big war in the next episode.

What really happened here? Rhaenyra Viserys talks the night before Lucerys and Waymond Valyrian's trial. There, Rhaenyra asks Viserys if he believes what he said about "The Prince Who Was Promised" before he was made heir. But Viserys, who was weak, did not give any answer here. But the next night, in his last moments, Viserys answers Rhaenyra's question. But Alicent and Viserys are fooled into thinking it's Reneira.

Here, Viserys says he believes in Aegon's prophecy. The Aegon here is "Aegon the Conquerer" and not the son of Viserys and Alicent. The dagger is shown in this scene to confirm that Viserys is talking about Aegon's prophecy. Alicent confuses that with her son's name and causes a war.

So this is the story about "A Song Of Ice and Fire". I thought of writing about this because many people had questions about it, and I received requests to write about it. Then the ninth part of the series will be released tomorrow. In that episode too, Alicent will make a big deal about this prophecy that she misunderstood. So see you again with articles like this.

#HouseOfTheDragon #GameOfThrones

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